The Format of the Course


Mindful❋Emotion is a live, interactive, online course. It will be held in weekly, 2-hour sessions over 8 weeks via Zoom. You will get the most out of the course if you commit to practicing the mindfulness exercises we learn together in between sessions. You will have access to recordings of guided practices to help you. The course will teach you new information and ideas, and some of this information will be presented via short videos that you can watch on your own before class. This will enable us to spend most of our time together answering your questions, and applying this information to your own emotional experiences so you can learn from them.

meditating woman

The enrollment in each course section will be limited to 12 people. There will be breakout sessions in small groups of 2 or 3 where you will share, in a very structured way, some of your own experiences with the emotions we are studying. You will only reveal information about yourself that feels comfortable and safe to you, and we will spend some time in our first session together going over guidelines for effective, and confidential, interactions with others. I will ask you to sign a confidentiality agreement before the class begins so everyone can feel assured that personal information will be protected.

Please note that Mindful❋Emotion is NOT psychotherapy. I will ask you to fill out a brief questionnaire before the course begins to ensure that you will benefit from the it. If you are in psychotherapy, feel free to let your therapist know of your interest in the course, and discuss it with them.

I will also ask you to sign a liability waiver, indicating that you understand that the course is educational and is not treating you for any psychological condition. If you decide that you are interested in pursuing psychotherapeutic treatment at any time during or after the course, I will be happy to provide referral information.

Please watch this video if you are thinking about taking the course, or if you’re just curious and want to know a little more about it. No obligation!

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